- Je suis:
- Femme
- Je désire rencontrer:
- Homme
- Sexualité:
- Homo
- Age:
- 54
- Lieu de vie:
Cartier, Manitoba, Canada
- Apparence
- Silhouette:
- Normal
- Taille:
- 1.57 - 1.58
- Yeux:
- Noirs
- Cheveux:
- Noirs
- Style de vie
- Fumeur:
- Non
- Buveur:
- Non
- Sportif:
- Oui
- Maison et famille
- Situation familiale:
- Veuf(ve)
- J'ai des enfants:
- Non
- J'en veux (plus):
- Non
- Vie professionnelle
- Éducation:
- Lycée
- Statut professionnel:
- Travailleur indépendant
- Partenaire idéal(e)
- Son âge:
- 18-23 ans, 60-65 ans
- Description
- Qui suis-je ?:
What shall i say now about me??? , Well i will surely tell you all you need to know about me the moment you show interest on my Profile
About the person I want to meet What shall i say now about me??? , Well i will surely tell you all you need to know about me the moment you show interest on my Profile - Ce que je recherche:
What shall i say now about me??? , Well i will surely tell you all you need to know about me the moment you show interest on my Profile
About the person I want to meet What shall i say now about me??? , Well i will surely tell you all you need to know about me the moment you show interest on my Profile
- 3 vues